Sunday, February 20, 2011

Server Farm

What is a Server ?

The server is a physical computer dedicated to running one or more such services, to serve the needs of programs running on other computers on the same network.
A server computer is a computer, or series of computers, that link other computers or electronic devices together. They often provide essential services across a network, either to private users inside a large organization or to public users via the internet. For example, when you enter a query in a search engine, the query is sent from your computer over the internet to the servers that store all the relevant web pages. The results are sent back by the server to your computer.Many servers have dedicated functionality such as web servers, print servers, and database servers. Enterprise servers are servers that are used in a business context.

Proxy Server

This type of server can turn Internet activities untraceable. It will access the Internet on a user’s behalf without revealing the user’s information. In essence, this type of server can secure a user by not revealing the computer’s information.
a proxy server is defined as a system or a program that process the requests of clients and by forwarding queries and request to other systems or servers. There are many types of proxy server, and one of this is the anonymous proxy server, or anonymizer. This type of server can turn Internet activities untraceable. It will access the Internet on a user’s behalf without revealing the user’s information. In essence, this type of server can secure a user by not revealing the computer’s information.
Proxy servers can serve a lot of purpose, i. e. lowering risks. They can also be utilized in rendering violations in human rights (i.e. expression). With a server, users need not worry losing their reputation. These servers also prevent false identity claim, and they can also protect browsing histories from being exposed to the public. Despite the protection it offers; anonymous servers are not perfectly safe.

Server Farm

Many servers have dedicated functionality such as web servers, print servers, and database servers. Enterprise servers are servers that are used in a business context.
Servers come in all sizes and shapes. A few years ago, student competitions produced matchbox-size Web servers, and a home Internet gateway the size of a hard-back book might contain NAT, DHCP and Web servers along with a router. Companies also offer smaller personal servers, for those who want to carry their data and programs with them.
Many Web sites are served by a single PC; however, high transaction volumes might require several Web servers, along with database, application, and other types of server. This diagram shows a server farm with four Web servers:

Server farms are commonly used for cluster and cloud computing. Many modern supercomputers comprise giant server farms of high-speed processors connected by either Gigabit Ethernet or custom interconnects such as Infiniband or Myrinet.  

Google Server Farm

  Apple Server Farm

A Server Farm consists of several Server Rooms...These are various Pictures of Facebook server room.....


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